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In today’s rapidly-evolving global economy, staying competitive demands innovative strategies. One emerging strategy is the “Follow the Sun” concept. Let’s start by explaining the phrase, then we’ll explore five compelling reasons why your business should adopt this tactic. From driving cost savings to accessing nearshore and offshore outsourcing opportunities, we will unveil how you can optimize your global workforce and unlock the pathway to success.

Picture This

It’s 5 pm; you and your staff have put in a productive day of work, and you’re driving home as the evening sun sets. However, as you all get your much needed sleep, your business travels across several time zones to a country where it’s still morning, and your offshore team picks up exactly where your local team left off. An hour of overlap between these two teams allows information to flow seamlessly from your onshore operations to your offshore ones, ensuring a clean hand-off. Essentially, the sun never sets on your operations, keeping the productivity train rolling 24/7, full speed ahead.

Five Reasons to Follow the Sun

That’s the idea behind the “follow the sun” approach to business. It’s like having a well-oiled engine that just never stops churning. With this approach, you can provide lightning-fast response times, round-the-clock customer support, and even keep back-office tasks running smoothly no matter the time of day. It’s a game-changer, especially in today’s globalized marketplace where businesses need to be always on and ready to serve. Let’s explore 5 detailed ways your business can benefit from following the sun.

  1. Supercharged Productivity

Picture an organization comprised of global teams working around the clock, handing off tasks & deliverables like a well-choreographed dance routine. Picture problem-solvers attacking an issue, getting halfway through their solution at COB, explaining their approach to their counterparts overseas, then coming back to work the next day to find the solution fully implemented at scale. By following the sun, your business gains the superpower of non-stop productivity. When individual tasks are completed faster, broader projects move at an exponentially increased speed, and your organization’s overall growth, in revenue and manpower is very likely to skyrocket. It’s like having your own turbo-charged workforce, working day and night to make things happen.

Happy Teams Happy Work

  1. Enhanced Customer Support

Customers don’t sleep, and neither should your support functions. Following the sun means no matter what time customers call, you have a lively team of problem solvers ready to put a smile on their faces. Whether it’s answering inquiries, resolving issues, or providing miscellaneous assistance, your customers will feel like rock stars with your round-the-clock support.

  1. Global Reach, Local Touch

When you follow the sun, you can tap into a diverse talent pool around the globe. Nearshore outsourcing options in countries like Honduras and Mexico offer a sweet blend of cultural alignment and effective collaboration. You’ll have teams in similar time zones, making communication a breeze. And let’s not forget about offshore outsourcing, especially to places like India known for its top-notch talent and cost-effectiveness. It’s like unlocking a treasure trove of skilled professionals who can take your business to new heights. Of course, creating these overseas teams is much easier said than done. Your best bet is to consult an organization with expertise in global outsourcing, an organization such as Relay Human Cloud. Relay offers both nearshore (Mexico & Honduras) and offshore (India) staff hosting to businesses looking to expand or optimize their workforce. With an organization like Relay shouldering the hassle of recruiting, equipping & paying your new overseas staff members, all you have to worry about is delegating tasks to them. Global expansion has never been so easy!

  1. Save Money

Another one of the major perks of following the sun is the opportunity to save your business some money. Offshore outsourcing, particularly to the talent-rich & ever-growing country of India, is a game-changer. India is a treasure chest of highly educated and highly skilled professionals who are accustomed to working on American platforms & for American businesses. The icing on the cake is that you get their extreme proficiency at a fraction of the cost of hiring locally. Stretching your budget while still getting the expertise you need is a surefire recipe for success. And with Relay Human Cloud, one of the best outsourcing companies in today’s market, you can leave the hassle of payroll, benefits, and legal compliance to the experts, saving you even more time and resources.

  1. Flexibility to Scale

Businesses are constantly evolving in our dynamic modern economy, so you need a workforce that can keep up. Following the sun gives you the ultimate flexibility to scale your operations as needed. With Relay Human Cloud, there are no long-term contracts holding back your organization’s flexibility. Need more hands on deck? No problem! You can easily expand your team without the hassle of traditional hiring processes. And if someone doesn’t quite fit the bill, Relay has your back with a bench full of quick and qualified replacements. It’s the freedom to adapt and grow at your own pace.

Unlock Growth Through Global Teams

Case Study

Boxer Property, one of Relay Human Cloud’s proud customers, is a commercial real estate company that boasts over 15 million square feet (about half the area of Central Park in New York City) of office & retail space across the United States. As you can imagine, there are countless moving parts and quite a bit of back-office work goes into maintaining & leasing this much space. Relay augments Boxer’s operations by providing around-the-clock across various functions including lead generation, tenant inquiries, IT, HR, inventory, and maintenance tracking. Boxer’s many properties, including La Gran Plaza, a mall in Fort Worth, Tx, all operate incredibly smoothly with Relay’s staff onboard. If you’re curious about this amazing mall, check out this video tour. You can also follow the mall on Instagram if you would like to stay up to date.

By embracing the “Follow the Sun” approach and leveraging the outsourcing expertise of Relay Human Cloud, your business can thrive in today’s globalized marketplace. The benefits are undeniable, ranging from expanded market reach to cost savings, round-the-clock productivity, flexibility, and access to expert support. As a trusted leader in the outsourcing industry, Relay Human Cloud offers nearshore and offshore staff hosting services. Choose to embrace the power of outsourcing, partner with Relay Human Cloud, and position your business for unparalleled success in an interconnected and dynamic world.

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