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Space Planner

Job Overview

The Space Planner works as part of a team to provide designs, test-fits, construction drawings, and finish packages for internal construction projects. The role requires strong production skills, multitasking abilities, and the capability to create 3D renderings of designs.  Attention to detail and communication skills are essential, as the Space Planner must liaise with on-site team members to ensure that designs and plans meet the requirements of all stakeholders.

Organizational Impact

The organization impact of a Space Planner job can be significant. A Space Planner is responsible for designing and optimizing the use of physical space within an organization. This can include everything from office layouts to warehouse configurations. By creating efficient and effective use of space, a Space Planner can help an organization to:

- Increase productivity: By optimizing the layout of workspaces, a Space Planner can help employees to work more efficiently and effectively. This can lead to increased productivity and output.

- Improve collaboration: A well-designed workspace can encourage collaboration and communication among employees, leading to better teamwork and problem-solving.

- Reduce costs: By maximizing the use of space, a Space Planner can help an organization to reduce real estate costs and other expenses associated with maintaining a physical workspace.

- Enhance employee satisfaction: A comfortable and well-designed workspace can improve employee morale and satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates and lower turnover.

Overall, the impact of a Space Planner on an organization can be significant, leading to improved productivity, collaboration, cost savings, and employee satisfaction.

Key Systems

- AutoCAD

- Revit

- SketchUp

- Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)

-Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator)


- Client requirements and preferences

- Building codes and regulations

- Budget constraints and limitations

- Available space and layout

- Furniture and equipment specifications


- Space utilization reports

- Floor plans and layouts

- Furniture and equipment recommendations

- Budget proposals for space improvements

- Collaboration with architects and designers on space design projects


- Perform space planning for standardized projects 

- Produce construction documents for pricing/permitting in accordance to building, energy and accessibility codes while using Vizio and AutoCAD programs 

- Developing and documenting designs, details, schedules and specifications. 

- Confirm accuracy of plans, obtain current information to update software. 

- Assist senior staff for a broad range of projects 

- Create finish, concept boards and presentations 

- Maintain databases, project files, spreadsheets and related documentation 

- Ensure appropriate department involvement 

- Prioritize, schedule and monitor requests 

- Meet with affected departments to recommend changes in space utilization or assignment 

- Identify and resolve conflicts associated with space planning 

- All other duties as assigned

Recommended Items

  • Space planning guidelines and standards
  • Project management processes and templates
  • CAD software training and support
  • Workplace strategy documentation
  • Furniture and equipment inventory management procedures

Content Examples

  • Space utilization report
  • Floor plan layouts
  • Furniture and equipment inventory
  • Recommendations for space optimization
  • Cost estimates for space modifications

Sample Event-Driven Tasks

- Conduct a space utilization analysis when a department requests additional space

- Reconfigure office layouts when a new team member joins or leaves a department

- Develop a furniture plan when a company moves to a new location

- Conduct a workplace assessment when employees report discomfort or pain related to their work environment

- Create a space plan when a department undergoes a reorganization or restructuring

Sample Scheduled Tasks

- Conducting space utilization surveys on a quarterly basis

- Updating and maintaining space allocation records on a monthly basis

- Developing and presenting space planning proposals to management on a bi- annual basis

- Conducting occupancy studies to determine space needs on an annual basis

- Coordinating moves and reconfigurations of office spaces on a bi-weekly basis

Sample Infill Tasks

- Analyzing existing floor plans and identifying areas for improvement

- Conducting space utilization studies to determine optimal use of space

- Developing furniture layouts and space plans for new or renovated spaces

- Collaborating with architects and interior designers to ensure functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces

- Creating 3D models and renderings to visualize proposed space plans for clients

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