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Content Strategist

Job Overview

The Content Strategist manages all writing material strategy and execution for marketing efforts, including website, collaterals, articles, and social media posts. This position heavily on use of AI tools to enhance and optimize the content produced. The Content Strategist gathesr key insights, and applies strategic planning skills to create a long-term vision for the content, and oversees implementation of the production and publication thereof. Project management  helps keep these activities on track and within budget.

Organizational Impact

As an AI language model, I do not have personal experience or emotions, but I can provide an objective answer based on research and analysis.

The role of a Content Strategist has a significant impact on an organization's success. Here are some of the ways:

- Improved Branding: A Content Strategist helps to create a consistent brand voice and messaging across all channels. This ensures that the organization's message is clear, concise, and resonates with the target audience.

- Increased Engagement: By creating compelling and relevant content, a Content Strategist can increase engagement with the organization's target audience. This can lead to increased website traffic, social media followers, and ultimately, more sales.

- Better SEO: A Content Strategist can help to improve the organization's search engine rankings by creating content that is optimized for search engines. This can lead to increased visibility and more organic traffic to the organization's website.

- Improved Customer Experience: By creating content that is informative, helpful, and engaging, a Content Strategist can improve the overall customer experience. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy.

- Increased Revenue: By creating content that resonates with the target audience and drives engagement, a Content Strategist can ultimately lead to increased revenue for the organization.

Overall, the role of a Content Strategist is critical to the success of an organization. By creating compelling and relevant content, a Content Strategist can improve branding, increase engagement, improve SEO, improve the customer experience, and ultimately, increase revenue.

Key Systems

- Content management systems (CMS)

- Analytics tools

- Social media platforms

- SEO tools

- Project management software


- Market research and analysis

- User behavior and preferences

- Business goals and objectives

- Brand guidelines and messaging

- Content performance metrics and analytics


- Content strategy plans and recommendations for various digital platforms

- Editorial calendars and content schedules for content creation teams

- Analysis and reporting on content performance metrics and audience engagement

- Content audits and gap analyses to identify areas for improvement and optimization

- Collaborative brainstorming and ideation sessions with cross-functional teams to develop new content ideas and campaigns.


- Manage our clients editorial calendar to ensure timely publication
- Assign blog posts to writers -Identify gaps in content and recommend new topics
- Create style guides to use as reference 

- Proofread and edit written pieces before publication 

- Work with digital marketing team to conduct keyword and SEO research to understand customers’ needs 

- Monitor web traffic and engagement (e.g. conversions and bounce rates as it relates to messaging) 

- Coordinate with marketing and design teams to illustrate articles as needed 

- Follow industry-related news and generate ideas around trending topics 

- Review and update published content as needed

Recommended Items

  • Content strategy guidelines and best practices
  • Editorial calendar templates and tools
  • Content audit and analysis processes
  • User research and persona development methodologies
  • Analytics and measurement frameworks for content performance evaluation

Content Examples

  • Content strategy plan
  • Content audit report
  • Editorial calendar
  • Style guide
  • Content performance metrics report

Sample Event-Driven Tasks

- Conduct a content audit and analysis of website traffic after a major product launch

- Develop a content calendar for a new social media campaign based on trending topics and industry events

- Create a content style guide for a new brand identity and ensure all content aligns with the new guidelines

- Conduct user research and analyze feedback to inform content strategy for a website redesign project

- Monitor industry news and trends to identify opportunities for thought leadership content and develop a plan to capitalize on them.

Sample Scheduled Tasks

- Conduct weekly content audits to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement

- Develop monthly content calendars outlining topics, formats, and distribution channels

- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure content aligns with brand messaging and business goals

- Analyze website and social media metrics to measure content performance and adjust strategies accordingly

- Research industry trends and competitor activity to inform content strategy and stay ahead of the curve

Sample Infill Tasks

- Conducting a content audit to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement

- Developing a content calendar to ensure consistent and strategic publishing

- Creating personas to guide content creation and ensure relevance to target audience

- Conducting keyword research to inform content topics and optimize for search engines

- Collaborating with designers and writers to ensure content aligns with brand messaging and tone

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