Our customer agreements are built with the customer’s business in mind. There are not limits or minimums that must be met for staff placements or…
Your Relay team may be all over the world, but you get one monthly bill from our headquarters in Texas. That means no exposure to…
Relay takes care of all the operational and administrative aspects of an international operation, like registering a legal entity, leasing and furnishing an office, recruiting…
Resources on The Bench join a program that includes cultural and language training, coaching, and even hands-on experience with specific jobs. We are getting them…
Relay provides targeted training and coaching to its international team members, giving them the tools and support they need to succeed in their new roles….
Working with international teams involves learning some new techniques and approaches. Relay supports our customers with training and materials, and provides a framework of best…
While customers direct the work of your team members, Relay provides a variety of in-office support that makes a big difference for quality of work-life….
Relay relies on both pre- and post-employment assessments to help find the best candidates, match individuals with jobs and companies, and monitor ongoing performance and…
While work no longer technically requires being in a specific space, we have found that working from just anywhere is not as good as working…
Relay is a technology-enabled company, using communications and other systems to make sure everything is running smoothly. Our unified communications, task management, and employee tracking…